
Donate via PayPal
By clicking any of the "Donate" buttons on this page or on other pages of this website, you can make a secure donation via PayPal.
Amazon Smile
You can donate to PATH simply by shopping at Amazon! Visit AmazonSmile PATH (GP3) Texas, then choose "PATH (GP3).
Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program
Kroger Community Program
Patron Donation Levels
Whether you are a student, a family, a non-profit, a business or an agency... We would love to have your support! Simply choose whether you'd like to make a one time donation or an annual recurring donation, then enter or select the amount you'd like to donate!
All PATH project donations are Tax Deductible via PAYPAL or CHECK made payable to PATH, P.O. Box 181631, Dallas TX, 75218
If you would like to make an even bigger difference, there are several donation levels you can make. Your support goes to help support ongoing year-round education outreach efforts.
Thanks a bunch!